Home Hunting License

Hunting License

Connecticut Hunting

Connecticut Hunting

Hunting licenses for Connecticut are administered through the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection. Hunting license and permit applications can be made online through the state's Online Sportsmen Licensing System. Hunting licenses registered in this way do not incur payment fees.

A Connecticut Conservation ID is issued as a unique number to all people enrolled in the system. In order to qualify for a hunting license, the applicant must possess proof of having either held a Resident hunting license or having completed a safety education course offered or recognized by the Department of Environmental Protection, such as the Connecticut Conservation Education/Firearms (CE/FS) course.

Hunting licenses issued by personal printers can be used by Connecticut hunters. Reprinting of a license in the event of the original paper copy being damaged or lost is provided through a link at the top of the website page. 

Conservation Education/Firearms Safety and other safety education courses are administered through the Wildlife Division of the Department of Environmental Protection, which provides certifications to volunteer instructors. Taking the Conservation Education/Firearms Safety course requires at least sixteen hours for receiving classroom instruction. Additional safety education requirements can increase the time commitment to about twenty hours.

Some of the courses required of hunting license applicants include state hunting and gun laws, hunting ethics, instruction in various forms of firearms, identification of different wildlife, emergency situation responses, and firearm accuracy and safe use. A final written exam will be given comprising 100 questions. In order to pass, at least 80% of the questions must be answered correctly. In addition to passing the written exam, a hunting license applicant must demonstrate practical safety skills in the field. Contact a Connecticut lawyer for legal advice and assistance.

Practical skills can be demonstrated at firing ranges and fence crossings and by moving firearms before use. Safety certification in firearm use is offered to Connecticut residents of ten years of age and older. Holders of Connecticut hunting licenses must be at least 12 years old, and from that age to 15 must be supervised by another licensed hunter at least 18 years old. The same hunting licenses available to Connecticut residents are available to members of the U.S. military serving their active duty in the state. 

Regulations on the tagging and reporting of larger game are mainly geared by the state toward the hunting of deer and turkey. Other kinds of game provided for by the Department of Environmental Protection include pheasant, tags for which can be ordered online or by licensing agents, and migratory birds, for which a Connecticut Migratory Bird Conservation Stamp or a Connecticut Duck Stamp may be purchased. 

Indiana Hunting

Indiana Hunting

Indiana law, much like most of the rest of the United States, requires that any hunting activities must be done on the contingency of applying for the proper permit. Indiana hunting is presided by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, and imposes the regulations and restrictions regarding the hunting of the various game under Indiana law.

Indiana hunting laws are divided according to the type of hunting being undertaken, as well as what kind of game is to be hunted. Furthermore, there are certain requirements that must be met in order to obtain the proper Indiana hunting license. General provisions for acquiring an Indiana hunting license are: 

A resident of the state of Indiana for at least sixty consecutive days before submitting an application for a hunting license.

All others that do not meet this requirement are considered as non-residents, and must adhere to the specific procedures to acquire such an Indiana hunting license, as well as any imposed regulations and restrictions by Indiana law.

The Indiana hunting license must carried on the person at all times while hunting. This also includes the HIP certification number if engaged in hunting specific kinds of bird game.

Must be at least the age of thirteen to obtain an Indiana hunting license. Those under the age of thirteen must be accompanied with an adult of at least eighteen years of age with a valid Indiana hunting license. Apprentice and youth licenses shall be issued as deemed appropriate by Indiana law.

Hunting licenses issued to those born after December 31st, 1986, are contingent upon the completion of the hunter education class as offered by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources. 

Indiana hunting licenses are granted to qualified individuals and must be issued for the appropriate type of game to hunted. The most common type of game hunted in the state of Indiana are deer, dove, turkey, pheasant, quail, ruffed grouse, turkey, and various types of waterfowl. Each type of game and the type of weapon employed for hunting are subject to Indiana hunting laws that dictate the appropriate seasons for each, which are as follows for 2009-2010 season:


Youth: September 26th and 27th, 2009

Early Archery: October 1st, 2009-November 29th, 2009

Firearms: November 14th, 2009-November 29th, 2009

Muzzleloader: December 5th, 2009-December 20th, 2009

Late Archery: December 5th, 2009-January 3rd, 2010


November 6th,2009-December 21st, 2009


November 6th, 2009-December 21st, 2009

November 6th, 2009-January 15th, 2010


Youth Spring: April 17th and 18th, 2010

Spring: April 21st-May 9th, 2010

Fall-Archery: October 1st-2009-October 25th, 2009

Fall-Firearm: October 21st-October 25th, 2009

Ruffed Grouse

October 1st, 2009-December 31st, 2009

Indiana hunting laws also provides for certain times of day in which hunting of game can take place during a season. Turkeys can be hunted a half-hour before sunrise until sunset. Deer are allowed to be hunted a half hour before sunset until a half hour after dusk. The other types of game have similar types of restrictions and should be consulted with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.

Any person that hunts for any particular game out of the seasons as allowed by Indiana hunting laws is subject to penalties and fines by Indiana laws, as well as be liable to lose their hunting license. As with any state, Indiana hunting laws can be quite extensive and very specific. Therefore, it is always recommended to consult with the appropriate agency regarding the provisions and regulations for hunting, as well as the necessary requirements for hunting licenses. 

Alaska Hunting

Alaska Hunting


Hunting in Alaska is administered by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. The Department's Board of Game sets regulations. Due to the large size of the state, it is divided into twenty-six Game Management Units (GMUs), each with the authority to set its own seasons in regard to various species of big game. Alaska hunting law provides for two different kinds of hunting seasons. The first is a general season and thus run according to conventional procedure. Standard requirements for Alaska hunting include the purchase of a hunting permit, acquisition of tags or harvest tickets, and adherence to the limits set by bag limits and the season. General season permits are sold at at sporting good stores and ADF&G offices.

The second category for hunting in Alaska is a permit hunt. The Board of Game holds these to minimize the impact of the hunting season on game populations by restricting the number of hunters. The three basic kinds of permit hunts are drawing hunts, registration hunts, and subsistence hunts. A drawing hunt is open to residents and non-residents upon payment of an application fee and is awarded by lottery, two of which are held annually, one in spring and the other in winter. Registration hunts are for the most part made available to both residents and non-residents.

Generally there are no limits to the number of permits which may be issued. The few exceptions are those which are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Subsistence hunts are classed under Alaska law on hunting as Tier I and Tier II events and are open only to Alaskan residents. 

Other regulations pertaining to non-residents interested in Alaska hunting involve the placement of tags on carcasses and the requirement for hiring a guide to be present for all of the hunt. While hunting in Alaska, non-residents who are U.S. citizens must be accompanied by a guide when they are hunting brown bears, grizzly bears, Dall sheep, and mountain goats.

An acceptable guide may be either a licensed guide or an Alaskan resident over the age of 19 whom falls within, in the language of Alaska hunting law, "the second degree of kindred," which refers to close family relations. Non-resident aliens (non-U.S. citizens) must have guides present for all big game hunting in Alaska. All non-residents must have at hand the appropriate tags required for various species in big game hunting in Alaska, which must then be locked on to the hide of an animal just after it has been killed. 

Authorization for general Alaska hunting is authorized through harvest tickets. These generally apply to sheep, caribou, deer and moose and can be obtained without charge from license vendors. They often are provided with harvest report postcards, which the ADF&G encourages hunters to return soon after a hunt so at to provide consistent information on hunting in Alaska.

Arkansas Hunting

Arkansas Hunting

Arkansas hunting law is passed and administered by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. It allows hunting licenses to applicants at or past the age of 16. Hunters must keep the license on their person while hunting. Arkansas hunting licenses are required for all Arkansas hunting activity except for hunting which takes place on "licensed game-bird shooting resorts that supply pen-raised birds."

In order to qualify for a residential hunting license, a person must demonstrate that she or he has lived within the state for at least sixty days preceding the license application and has declared herself or himself as a full-time resident of the state. Annual resident Arkansas hunting licenses can also be obtained by certain kinds of students in regard to their residence in Arkansas, including non-residents enrolled full-time in state institutions, foreign exchange students either taking full-time courses or residing in Arkansas, and Arkansas residents in educational institutions outside of the state.

A person may not be considered an Arkansas resident only by lieu of owning property in the state. Resident Arkansas hunting licenses can be obtained annually or for individual trips by people stationed in the state as part of active military duty, as well as by Arkansas residents stationed elsewhere for active military duty.

Since 1968 state law has required that Arkansas residents born on or after that year have a card certifying completion of a "Hunter Education" course for hunting in Arkansas, unless they are under the age of 16 and are being directly supervised by a hunter with a Hunter Education card who is at least 21 years old. Hunter Education courses completed outside of the state will be acceptable for non-residents engaged in Arkansas hunting.

Arkansas hunting leases can be secured through the offices of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. The agency requires a payment of $20 for the permit to each of the Arkansas hunting leases, each of which must be covered by separate payments. The Arkansas hunting leases available for use through the state are divided into eight sections. Arkansas hunting leases cannot be secured by permit by people under the age of 16, and once issued they will be valid for a term of one year.

In order to be certified for paid guiding services during hunts, an Arkansas resident must obtain a Resident Guide License from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, which will require the payment of a $25 fee. The exception to this rule exists in the case of guide services which are provided on Arkansas hunting leases provided by the Commission, which requires rather that the guide have a Resident Special Guide License. In order to obtain this license, the prospective guide must be able to show that he or she has been an Arkansas resident for at least a year and pay a $150 fee. Contact an Arkansas lawyer for legal advice and assistance.


Montana Hunting

Montana Hunting

Montana hunting laws are the same for residents and non-residents alike. A popular animal to hunt in Montana is elk. Participators in Montana elk hunting, as well as other types of hunting, must follow a set of guidelines and rules before one is allowed to legally hunt in that state. 

For an individual to be given the legal right to participate in Montana hunting, they must first get a Montana wildlife conservation license. A social security card is necessary for obtaining the conservation license that is needed for Montana elk hunting, as well as any other type of hunting. Since residents and non-residents of Montana must abide by the same hunting rules. Under most circumstances, an individual is only allowed to buy one Montana hunting license a year. Sometimes, Montana elk hunting licenses can be bought more than once.

Younger children are allowed to obtain certain types of Montana hunting licenses as long as they meet some requirements. If a child is 12 or will turn 12 while their license is being processed, they can legally purchase several different types of Montana hunting licenses. A Montana elk hunting license can be purchased, as well as a black bear Montana hunting licenses and two different types of deer hunting licenses.

Montana hunting is only legal for children under the age of 14 if they are accompanied by a qualified safety instructor, a parent or guardian, or an individual that has the parents' permission to take the child hunting.

Once an individual obtains a Montana hunting license, they have to carry it with them at all times when they hunt. Individuals can not lend their license to anyone else. As with most states, neon orange clothing is required, as well as time restrictions on when an individual is allowed to hunt, due to safety reasons. Larger animals can be hunted between a half hour before sun rise until a half hour before sunset.

A Montana hunting license does not entitle an individual to participate in party hunting, or an the action of several individuals shooting at the same animal. Each individual with a Montana hunting license has to shoot their own animal.

While obtaining a Montana hunting license can be complicated, knowing specific rules and regulations can help make the process much easier. One should keep the age of the individual in mind, as well as the various Montana laws that accompany the ability to legally hunt in Montana.

Ohio Hunting

Ohio Hunting

Ohio deer hunting, like any Ohio hunting, requires a permit which is issued through the state.There may be special hunting license granted in cases where hunts are required to thin a population of animal. For example, special deer hunting permits may be granted when it is found that a certain area of land is unable to support the population of deer in that area. Overpopulation can lead to starvation and disease, was well as close encounters with humans.
Ohio deer hunting licenses my be granted to in state and out of state residents. The application and fee for licenses for out of state residents may differ than those granted to in state residents. Ohio hunting in general, requires  a license for those that reside in the state, as well as out of state residents.
The purpose of the hunting license is to provide revenue for the state. Often, that revenue is used for state parks and other wildlife areas. In addition, the revenue generated from an Ohio hunting license may also be used to have courses which allow hunters to educate themselves as to the regulations in the state.
In fact, there may be several types of course. One course may strictly focus on the rules and regulations for Ohio deer hunting, while others may focus on state wide regulations for all types of hunting. In addition, the state may offer safety classes which could include basic first aid, as well as the procedures for hunters that become lost in the forest.

Texas Hunting

Texas Hunting

A Texas hunting license can be obtained at over fifteen hundred locations.
The Texas hunting license may be purchased at locations such as sporting good stores, gun stores and bait and tackle shops. However, certain types of Texas hunting licenses may only be purchased at the headquarters in Austin or from other specific locations.
A Texas hunting license may be used immediately in most cases. However, when animals are required to be tagged, such as a turkey, there  may be a wait period involved before an individual can use the license. In addition, commercial hunting license may only be purchased at certain locations and have different restrictions than standard hunting licenses.

A Texas hunting license requires that the individual pay a fee. In addition, many locations which sell the license, may also require an additional administrative fee, to cover their costs of selling the license.
A Texas hunting license may require that the hunter have proof that they have taken part in safety courses. Those courses may include weapons classes, basic hunting safety and first aid. However, every hunter should learn as much as they can on their own, to avoid the potential for accidents or injury. In addition, many hunters can become lost in the wilderness and hunters should purchase maps and take other precautions when going into the Texas wilderness.

Arizona Hunting

Arizona Hunting

Arizona hunting laws are passed and administered by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The Department issues collected information in the publication “Arizona Hunting Regulations” issued annually according to the fiscal year. The main guidelines for Arizona hunting laws come from game laws. For instance, game laws identify big game species. On a year to year basis, the Commission Rule provides procedures for implementation of  game laws, such as defining hunting seasons and bag limits.
Arizona hunting does not require the orange hunting outfits often mandated by American state hunting law, though the Game and Fish Department recommends such outfits. Registration for Arizona hunting licenses is also unlike common American practice in not
requiring general license applicants to complete hunter education courses. Arizona residents as young as 10 years old can take part in big game hunts. The state’s main age-based restriction is to require that hunters from the ages of 10 to 13 have documentation of hunting safety training, either from a state-certified program or course accepted by the state. 
Arizona law is geared toward the popularity of Arizona elk hunting and other kinds of big game hunting . Hunt permit-tags are required for Arizona elk hunting and are secured through the lottery-like procedure called “the draw.” The availability of hunt permit-tags is adjusted according to the current data on animal population rates. Arizona elk hunting generally takes place through these licenses and attracts far more applicants than is practical.
Beginning in 2008, the agency decided to increase Arizona elk hunting in order to decrease the animals’ numbers in problem areas and thereby began offering over-the-counter hunt permit-tags. Arizona elk hunting will only increase to a limited degree through these hunt permit-tags. In addition to elks, other animals classed as big game and thereby subject to the availability of hunt permit-tags are buffaloes, bighorn sheep, javelinas, mountain lions, white-tailed deers, mule deers, black bears, and antelopes. 
The state considers applicants for Arizona hunting licenses residents after they have lived in the state for at least six months prior to the application. Arizona hunting licenses are offered though the website of the Arizona Game and Fish Department or at the toll-free number 1-855-462-0433, through which temporary licenses can be obtained immediately. Temporary licenses are then replaced by regular licenses sent by post. Applicants for hunt permit tags must have regular licenses. 

Alabama Hunting

Alabama Hunting

An extensive guide to the regulations which govern hunting in Alabama can be found by residents and visitors in the officially issued Alabama Hunting and Fishing Digest. For hunters who require more comprehensive information, a complete listing of Alabama law for hunting can be found in the publications "Alabama Game, Fish and Wildlife Law" and "Game and Fish Regulations." 

Alabama does not require the purchase of hunting permits for residents who hunt on their own property. Non-residents of Alabama who own property in the state are required by the state to obtain permits before they use their property as a hunting ground. Non-residents who are stationed in Alabama for military service are subject to an exemption from this rule and can obtain the hunting permits otherwise issued only to residents.

Alabama residents are allowed to purchase hunting permits after they reach the age of sixteen and after the age of sixty-five are not required to be in possession of hunting permits. In order to receive a first hunting permit, Alabama residents who were born on or after the date of August 1, 1977 will be required by the state to complete a program referred to as "Mandatory Hunter Education." Under such programs, beginning hunters in Alabama are required to receive at least ten hours of instruction and to complete a written exam.

The personnel who are allowed to conduct a course in Mandatory Hunter Education must be members of the Alabama Game and Fish Division or volunteers certified by that agency. In the interests of preparing young state residents for Alabama deer hunting, Alabama provides for special hunts at specified times and locations before the start of the official Alabama deer hunting season.

These special hunting sessions are open to Alabama residents between the age of 10 and 15 as long as they are accompanied during the hunt by an adult of or over the age of 25 who is in possession of a hunting permit. The accompanying adults at an Alabama deer hunting session for youth will not be allowed to participate in the hunt themselves. Both the youths and the adults during such events must wear the required orange hunting outfits. 

Alabama deer hunting laws permit registered hunters to kill  bucks which have antlers which can be seen above their hairlines. In addition to granting wide latitude to Alabama deer hunting  on the hunter's own property, state regulations also allows residents the option of an Alabama hunting lease, offered by the property owner as a hunting site for others.

The operator of an Alabama hunting lease may be liable in the state's courts for any accident which befalls hunters on his or her land. For this reason, use of an Alabama hunting lease generally requires releasing the owner from any legal responsibility.

Alabama hunting lease owners also commonly require that clients purchase additional insurance coverage extending to the owner. An Alabama hunting lease for deer hunting is likely to be open for the entire season, while hunting leases for doves and waterfowl are generally available by daily agreement. 

Quick Guide to Hunting License

Quick Guide to Hunting License

Hunting license my be required in order for an individual to hunt in a specific geographic location. The license may require a fee, as well as courses which allow hunters to learn the regulations, and  basic safety precautions that should  be taken if hunter should  become lost or injured. The license may allow hunters to take a certain number of animals and they may be required to check in with those animals in order to avoid over hunting.

Pennsylvania hunting license

A Pennsylvania hunting license is required to hunt in that state. In addition to paying a fee, individuals must also fill out an application. Hunting licenses may only be good for hunting certain animals and hunting may be limited to a certain time frame and geographic location.

Indiana hunting license

An Indiana hunting license is required for hunters over the age of twelve. Those under the age of twelve do not require a license or any safety courses. However, those over the age of twelve require both  a license and the courses which covers safety and regulations in the state. Individuals must be able to produce the license upon demand.

Iowa hunting license

Iowa hunting licenses are required in order to hunt in the sate. Hunting licenses are used to track the amount of animals harvested in the sate, as hunters are required to report any animals they harvest. These reports can help the state to determine the health of certain populations, as well as areas where there may be too little land to support the population. This information may be used to run special hunting sessions in those locations.

Montana hunting license

A Montana hunting license may be acquired to hunt certain types of animals. In general, a hunting license is required for any hunting, but some licenses may place a limit n the number of animals allowed to be harvested. In addition, the license may require that the hunter check in with the state, any time they harvest an animal.

Ohio hunting license

An Ohio hunting license may be granted to in state residents and to those that live out of state. Out of state residents may have different restrictions and fees placed on their license, such as a lower limit for harvesting animals.

Texas hunting license

Texas hunting licenses can be purchased from many locations and can generally be used immediately. However, there may be a wait period in some cases, such as hunting which requires tagging.