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Animal Testing

Cosmetic Industry Uses Animal Testing

Cosmetic Industry Uses Animal Testing

The cosmetics industry has been testing on animals for decades. However, many companies have stopped the process, as the public outcry against the process has been more widely publicized. In addition, many cosmetic companies have found alternative testing methods or utilize only natural ingredients in order to lessen the chance of a human reaction to their products.
However,  animal testing cosmetics is still utilized by many companies. The companies may use a variety of animals in their tests. Often, the animals are exposed to the ingredients separately and again when there is a finished product.
Cosmetic animal testing may include having the animal ingest the chemicals to see if that poses any danger. In addition, the chemicals are generally applied to their eyes to see if there is a reaction, as well as their skin.
Cosmetic testing on animals includes as variety of tests, using many types of animals. In some cases, the animals may not be harmed. However, in many cases, the chemical cause great pain and discomfort and  animals are then killed when the testing is over.
Public outcry against the process has certainly lessened the frequency of the process, but many companies still use the animal testing cosmetics process. The process is unfortunately less expensive than alternative testing in some cases. However, companies often find that the public will no longer purchase as many of their products, once the animal tests are publicised.

What Are The Animal Testing Facts

What Are The Animal Testing Facts

Animal testing statistics indicate that there have been many changes to the practice. In fact, many companies have stopped the practice all together. However, there has been an increase in animal testing in some industries, mostly to avoid liability issues when the products are used on humans.
Animal testing facts include an increase of the use of animals in psychology studies. In fact, college students take part in studies that include the use of animals, many times in a non fatal environment. For example, rats are often used in studies which test cause and effect relationships. These studies, which often use a reward and punishment scheme, have been used to better understand the brain process.
Animal testing facts indicate that rats have a reward center in their brain, which works similarly to humans. In fact, drug tests conducted on rats have helped scientist to better understand how some drugs work and why they are beneficial to patients.
Animal testing statistics include a decrease use of animals by some cosmetic companies. As companies switch to more natural ingredients, the chance of a human having an interaction with a product decrease substantially. In fact, the use of natural ingredients in many industries has led to a decrease in  the need for animal testing.
 Animal testing statistics indicate an increase in some industries and a decrees in others. As regulations become more stringent, many companies have opted out of using animals in their testing.